
If she lies, then we will have a problem, but that won’t affect you and me. It will put her in the doghouse and she will have to give something up. This only works if we are all honest.”“I didn’t use to trust her, but I didn’t know her. Ever since you got mad at us for being immature, we have spent a lot of time together and have become the best of friends.”“I noticed you were becoming friends, but I didn’t realize you were that close.”“There is no way I could share you with her if she weren’t. “Hey now,” I whispered. “Just checking out the package,” Sandy replied. I glanced over her shoulder towards where Debbie and Matt sat on the couch in the darker part of the club. Deb and Matt joined Sandy and I on the dance floor. I proffered a wink at Deb as Matt wrapped his hands around her waist. As we slow danced, I gave a slight head nod in Matt’s direction. I watched as he slipped a hand under Debbie’s skirt and squeezed her bare ass. Deb didn’t seem to care, as she leaned her head on. Things went on like this for a few weeks till things started to get more serious. We told each other that we had feelings for one another and at that point is when we both brought up the subject of sex. We both kind of talked about what we liked, turn-ons and so fourth. After a day or so of talking about that, I told her to pretend I was there with her while she was chatting on the net. As she was chatting, she could feel me kissing the back of the neck while my hands slowly ran across her nice. She just came in and switched off the tv.Me” what happened??”Ak” you are really boring”Me” what do you wanna do?Ak “Anything but I don’t wanna sit in the room”So I took my handbag and we started roaming around in the hotel. It was a palace hotel covered in a huge area. I had visited this hotel twice before it was dad’s fav place so I knew ways around the hotel. It was a cloudy and windy day perfect for a smoke. So I took her by the pool which is quite a peaceful place where no one will bother.
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